What is Will Aid?

Will Aid is an annual UK-wide Will making campaign involving nine leading charities, ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (N. Ireland). We have raised over £13,000 to date for the campaign.

How does it work?

Throughout November we will waive our usual will writing fee. Instead, all we ask is for you to make a voluntary donation to Will Aid, which will be distributed amongst the nine worthy charities mentioned above. The suggested donations this year are £100 for a basic single Will and £180 for basic mirror Wills.

Separation is never easy. The stress generated by the process can push a couple even further apart than they are already. It can leave them feeling damaged by the process itself and unable to communicate with one another. Where children are involved, this can cause even greater problems for the whole family for many years to come.

Inheritance Tax is a tax payable on your estate when you die. People often assume that inheritance tax only applies to the very rich, but with rising house prices in Scotland this isn’t the case. If your estate is above £325,000, you could be liable for this tax.  Your estate can include your home, jewellery, savings, cars and even works of art. Inheritance tax planning is all about passing on your estate exactly as you intended – without HMRC taking too much.

Land and Buildings Transaction Tax is the name given to the tax that you pay when purchasing or leasing Land and Properties in Scotland. This tax replaced the more familiar SDLT on 1st April 2015.

Any purchase of a property to the value of £40,000 and above must be notified to Revenue Scotland, even if there is no tax to pay on the transaction.

With ever increasing demand and lack of supply driving values higher, rates of growth here have outpaced many other parts of the UK. Statistics show the average price of a property in Scotland in May 2019 was £152,801 – an increase of 2.8% on the same time last year.

During the spring months Brexit was still very much on everyone’s mind, however with the sun shining on Scotland and the summer hitting, the housing market in the area has been increasingly buoyant, with a continuous demand for all types of properties encouraging fresh confidence for both buyers and sellers.

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